One girl’s story about going abroad thanks to KOM Consultants.

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Uni Aussie-style! One girl’s story about studying abroad thanks to KOM Consultants.
Hello aspiring scholar and traveller,


The very fact that you are reading this means the thought of going abroad has crossed your mind. So the idea is incepted. Good! Keep it there and turn it into reality. Going abroad, and especially to a wonderful place like Australia, is an incredible life-changing adventure that every person should have! How many people say they want to travel and never do? Living and studying there is even better than passing through! Trust me, I know.


I always wanted to travel and study abroad bt didn’t know where to start. After doing a three year diploma at Humber College, I wanted to continue my education but mostly to travel. And that’s when I came across the wonderful people at KOM Consultants. Bottom line: they made things happen for me and navigated me through the unfamiliar territory of international applications. From start to finish: nothing but helpful, professional and available for calls, emails, concerns and chats. They made a complicated to me concept uber-easy. But you’ll see that for yourself. I couldn’t be more thankful to the KOM team!


Above anything else – they get you where you want to go. Living and studying in Australia was one of the best experiences of my life, without a doubt! WARNING: You will not want to leave! Now almost two years later I’ve travelled across Europe, lived in Asia and ringing in the new year in South America. I’ve got an internationally recognized degree, a job I love and University mates all over the world who are my friends for life. And that all started with a KOM presentation at Humber college in Toronto. It changed my life. It will change yours – do it!

And as wise Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”


Good luck & have fun!

Maria Z.

KOM Consultants are the application centre for over 20 overseas universities.

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Call us for more information or to have a chat! Toll Free: (877) 318-8203


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