Three Top Tips for Balancing Work, Life and Study

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Three Top Tips for Balancing Work, Life and Study


It should come as no surprise no matter what you study that organisation is crucial, particularly for those studying remotely. Studying by online or by correspondence can be difficult, but if you are disorganised you are setting yourself up for a particularly challenging time.

Planning for when things are due is the first step and knowing how long it takes you to complete certain tasks is what makes the difference. If you know it takes two days to complete 4000 words, then make yourself available for three days to give yourself a buffer period. A fine-tuned routine made it possible for me to study by day, work at night and still make time for my family.

Putting due dates into Google calendar right from the outset of a semester helpful, and anticipating when you are going to be under the pump prepares you for the busy times. Using reminders and alarms that can be shared over multiple devices is useful for those who are trying to multi-task several components of their lives.


Patience, determination and dedication are all key. Committing yourself to study means sacrificing some of the extra-curricular activities. Essentially one less episode of Suits and one less beer at the pub. They taste better when you have done your work anyway.

It’s worthwhile keeping in mind that your peers are intelligent and competitive so you need to put in the hard work to keep up. If you commit to staying up to date with the readings and making exam notes throughout the semester then you are half way there.

Reward Yourself

After the hard work is done, make sure you schedule in some well-earned relaxation time. Recharging the batteries can be as critical to your success as an all-night study session.

Celebrate the small victories along the way because a degree can sometimes feel like a never-ending marathon.

Story: Kate Jones – RMIT University

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