Tips on having a succesful semester from a Griffith student’s blog

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Getting back into semester 2: Tips from a 5th year student!

Take it from a student.  A great resource is always directly from a student.  So look at this Griffith University student’s tip on studying.



1. Don’t stress out, get yourself organised! 

We all know that by week 8 things can go a little array, but I always try my best to start the semester with the absolute intention to be prepared.

My top organisational tips include:

  • Download the Griffith App so you can access your timetable on your phone.
  • Set up weekly files on your computer to save notes.
  • Colour code, your perfectly binded notes by the week.
  • Write up a study timetable (mine is colour coded, this is optional).
  • Write down all the due dates for assignments and exams somewhere you will look often. I use a blackboard above my desk.
  • Do whatever works for you, just get organised!

2. Get social!

Keeping a study, work, health and social life balance is really important! Go check out the Social and Cultural Club sign on day on Tuesday 29th July 2014 and join one, you will meet other students who have similar interests and maybe make some cool new friends.

Get a coffee on campus with someone you haven’t seen in awhile. I like The Deck, Vitamin G and the Coffee Bug. If you are like me and have stopped drinking coffee over the holidays this is the perfect opportunity to get back into the healthy habit of being caffeinated at all times. Mmmm coffee…

3. Get healthy!

Eat healthy, that includes things like broccoli and not 2-minute noodles (I haven’t been near them since first year uni… don’t ask!). If you are organised you can pack a cute lunch like your mum/dad did when you were a kid (or maybe… if you’re lucky still does). I also head down to the farmers markets on Saturday mornings (Palm beach, Burleigh and Southport Sharks all have Saturday markets). Market food is fresher, cheaper and more hipster.

Do some exercise! Don’t let study run your whole life. Get up half an hour earlier and go for a run. I started surfing this semester and I can’t believe I have lived on the Gold Coast for 4 years without getting out in the ocean. Check out the Sporting Club sign on day on Wednesday 30thJuly and go play social beach volleyball or ultimate Frisbee (or whatever it is that you fancy, just get active!)

4. Know how you are going to get to uni.

Figure out your transport options. The new Gold Coast light rail is brand new. Yay! This could mean no more missed buses or parking fines. Check out where your nearest stop is and it takes you straight to campus  :)

If you are close enough to ride your bike, ride your bike! You will have thighs of steel and free bike parking.

If you absolutely have to drive, see if anyone from your classes can carpool with you. Save money and put out less carbon emissions double win!

5. Keep a diary.

This is a similar point to the first one, but I think it deserves its own place. The first semester this year I lost track of my diary and this was a huge stress inducer. If you are like me and have a variety of study, work, volunteer and social commitments, a well kept colour coded diary is an absolute lifesaver. Note: it does not have to be colour coded  :P

Happy studying!


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