LaTrobe offers 5 Tips to find work after graduation

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Top 5 tips for international students to find work after graduation

Ready Set Go

So you’ve finished your degree in Australia, now what? Here is a list of tips that will help you find work in Australia or overseas once you’ve finished your studies.

  1. Plan ahead
    During your studies, there is a lot that you can be doing to improve your chances of employment upon graduation. Internships and work placements look great on your resume, but if you can’t find these opportunities, volunteering looks just as impressive.
  2. Use your resources
    You might like to ask a lecturer or tutor if they can provide you with a reference. Referees should always be honest, so if you’ve done particularly well in a certain subject – ask the teacher from that class.
  3. How has studying abroad helped?
    Think about all the ways you have changed as a person since arriving in Australia. Have you become more independent? Do you have a world view and experienced a multi-cultural perspective? Have you matured as a person? These are all traits employers see favourably.
  4. Know the rules
    Make sure you understand your visa conditions and work restrictions. Some organisations sponsor international students to work for them after graduating, but a lot of the time you need to apply for sponsorship before your final year.
  5. Attend a Ready Set Go! seminar
    Ready Set Go! seminars are held at the end of each semester – they focus on employment and give you really helpful information on how to start your career. They also give you information on graduation, returning home, visas and tax and superannuation.!


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