Griffith University Physiotherapy Schools extends deadline until September 7th

Posted in: Australian Physiotherapy Schools in Australia, Griffith Physiotherapy School, Griffith University
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KOM is delighted to learn that the School of Physiotherapy at Griffith University has extended it’s deadline to September 7th, 2013.

If you are still interested in applying to the Master of Physiotherapy at Griffith University in Australia for the January 2014 intake, there is still time to apply.  Contact KOM Consultants now!

Griffith University School of Physiotherapy in Australia

The Master of Physiotherapy is offered two years full-time on-campus at the Gold Coast campus.

As a full-time student, you will generally attend 22-30 hours of scheduled classes per week throughout the semester. Classes may be scheduled during the day and evening throughout the week.

This coursework program builds on existing knowledge of exercise science, facilitates the development of clinical science and physiotherapy knowledge and skills, and stimulates integration of these areas.

Work-integrated learning

Work-integrated learning activities (professional placements) integrate theoretical learning with its application in the workplace. The inclusion of work-integrated learning activities in the degree program demonstrates Griffith’s commitment to preparing its graduates for success in their working life.

In this program you will spend time in the work/professional environment undertaking placements at various locations. Placements may be outside of the Brisbane metropolitan/Gold Coast area including northern New South Wales, interstate or (by negotiation) overseas.

Why study physiotherapy at Griffith University?

Physiotherapy students examining knee injury

The study of physiotherapy will provide you with the knowledge to emerge as a health practitioner with expertise for prevention advice and ‘hands-on’ safe treatment strategies. There is a broad range of employment opportunities for students qualified in this field. As a graduate, you will be registered to practise as a physiotherapist in all states and territories of Australia and New Zealand.

Career options

  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Private practices
  • Sports facilities
  • Community health centres


Contact KOM Consultants now for more information on applying and Physiotherapy Schools in Australia and the UK.