The future of 3D printing at Griffith University

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griffithlogo The Queensland College of Art is exploring the world of three dimensional printing and what it means for the future of design and manufacturing in Australia.
Griffith University’s Bachelor of Digital Media and Bachelor of Industrial Design are two academic areas where Griffith university leads Australia in the application of 3-D printing.
In the Bachelor of Digital Media, students will use their creativity for 3D design.  Then in the Bachelor of Industrial Design, students will develop advanced 3D computer modelling skills and to utilise advanced technologies, including 3D printing.
This youtube video showcases these two innovative undergraduate degree programs:

Canadian College students are able to articulate into the Bachelor of Digital Media at Griffith University from several Graphic Design College courses.

 Griffith University Bachelor of Digital Media:

B of Digital Media programThis program will enable students to take advantage of professional creative opportunities, not only on the Gold Coast, but nationally and internationally. It offers students rich opportunities to broaden and improve their employment prospects, through cross-study and specialisation in digital design, 3D design, photo media, studio art and graphic design.

During their first year students study core courses which address basic skills and knowledge as well as undertaking a Studio Foundation component in which students become competent in the basic skill of their Award Major. In second semester they also have the flexibility to choose an elective major in another area.

Continuing through second and third year students will become professionally competent in an Award Major.


Griffith University Bachelor of Industrial Design:

B of Industrial Design

Industrial Design at Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus brings engineering and design together through a shared approach to learning through making, creative thinking, digital media and digital manufacturing. This innovative 3 year full time program enables students to develop advanced 3D computer modelling skills and to utilise advanced technologies, including 3D printing, right from their first year of study as part of their design project work. The experienced teaching team provides an international curriculum, preparing students to take advantage of international collaborations and work opportunities overseas. The program promotes cross-cultural understanding for the industrial designer to operate effectively and empathetically in a global work environment.

Industrial Design graduates from this degree will be ‘creative engineers’ who conceptualize products and have the skills to bring them to life. Graduates will be creative thinkers who have a thorough understanding of the digital future in addition to a good understanding of engineering principles.


KOM Consultants is the Canadian Application Centre for Griffith University.  Contact KOM Consultants for more information on: