test blog 3

Children Who Watch Lots Of TV Have Weaker Bones In Adulthood

Posted in: Curtin University, News
Image from Children Who Watch Lots Of TV Have Weaker Bones In Adulthood


Curtin University researchers have found children who spend a lot of time watching television, have poorer and weaker bones in young adulthood which could significantly impact their health in later life.

Lead researcher Dr Joanne McVeigh, Curtin’s School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, said the study examined the TV viewing habits of 1,181 young adults over their childhood and adolescence years and related these to how strong their bones were at age 20. …

FAQ Friday Part 4

Image from FAQ Friday Part 4

Accommodation costs are a big worry for students when studying abroad, or when studying anywhere for that matter, and naturally so. You want to ensure your living situation is one that is comfortable, and affordable! Cost is a big factor when choosing to study overseas and after the tuition fee’s are paid and that worry is out of the way, your living expenses are the next factor to focus on.

KOM Consultants works with many universities in Australia, …

Curtin University Webinar

Image from Curtin University Webinar

Our last webinar with Curtin University was information overload. We learned all about the campus, the fact that there are 30,000 students in the university and 30% of that are international students. Think of all the different types of people you could meet there?!!

What we’ve done with this webinar that focuses on the health science faculty is take the important bits out and make short little videos that are easy for you to watch! …

Curtin University International Scholarships

Image from Curtin University International Scholarships

2016 Curtin International Scholarships & Merit Scholarships

This is the best piece of news that we just love announcing, scholarship news!!! Curtin University have introduced their International scholarships and merit scholarships awards for 2016!

Applications open: 28/09/2015
Applications close: 12/02/2016

About this scholarship
Description/Applicant information

Curtin University strives to give high achieving students around the world the opportunity to pursue their ambitions and gain a world-class education. Through the Merit Scholarships, …

Curtin University in Video’s

Image from 'Curtin University in Video’s'

Curtin University in video’s!

We like to create lil videos for you that include some vital information that we feel you need to know!

Here’s a few video’s we created for you. It’ll take all of 3 minutes to watch them all!

How to apply to Curtin University 

Applying to study at Curtin University is easy peasy! Just watch this video and then apply

Curtin University Accommodation 

How much does accommodation at Curtin University cost you ask? …

Aussie Slang Explanations

Image from Aussie Slang Explanations

How you goin’? Here’s some ! 

That was the first question someone asked me when I landed in Australia. I had nothing to say besides “uhhh taxi?” He smiled, looked at me and said, “first time in Australia?” I had no clue what was going on but thank God he directed me to the taxi stand.

That was my first confusing and embarrassing experience where I realized that my time here will be interesting and exciting! …

Curtin University in Top 100 most International Universities

Image from Curtin University in Top 100 most International Universities


The Times Higher Education (THE) has ranked Curtin equal 10th in the list of the top 100 most international universities. The ranking is based on universities’ performance in the international outlook indicator on THE’s flagship World University Ranking 2014/15 and takes into account each Institution’s percentage of International staff, its International student numbers and the proportion of its research papers published with a co-author from at least one other country. …

Curtin University Business School Fee Freeze

Image from Curtin University Business School Fee Freeze

 Curtin University Business School Freeze Fees for 2015

News just in!!! Curtin Business School have decided to freeze undergraduate and postgraduate unit fees for international students studying at our Western Australian campuses in 2015. No need to worry about the fee going up this year. You pay the same as last years students!

They have been able to deliver this unprecedented freeze as a result of efficiencies achieved within the Curtin Business School over the past 18 months. …

Curtin University International Scholarship Program

Image from Curtin University International Scholarship Program

The 2015 Curtin International Scholarships program is a newly launched scheme and we’re very excited to inform you that these are now open for applications.


These scholarships award eligible students:


  • up to 25 per cent off their first year of tuition
  • a 10 per cent discount on a Curtin English fees (when joining a Curtin English program, before undertaking study at Curtin)


Physio Friday!

Image from Physio Friday!

Today we look at the Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) at Curtin University!

Curtin University provides world-class education to over 46 000 students on nine campuses around the world. Their main campus is located in Perth, Australia and is the largest university in Western Australia. Currently ranked in the top 500 universities in the world, Curtin’s unique multicultural atmosphere means students experience a cross-cultural learning environment and prepares graduates to live and work in an increasingly global environment. …