test blog 3

How Mobile Phones Could Save Us From Obesity

Image from How Mobile Phones Could Save Us From Obesity

Mobile phone technology could be a lifeline for young people at risk of obesity


Mobile phones could be the golden ticket to halting weight gain and improving health in young Australians, according to new research from the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre.

Researchers designed a world-first mobile phone intervention for young people at risk of obesity which used text messages, a mobile phone app, emails, diet resources and personalised coaching calls. …

Sydney Medical School & the Sydney BMRI Research Preventing Dementia

Image from 'Sydney Medical School & the Sydney BMRI Research Preventing Dementia'

University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI), is evaluating the effects of omega-3 supplements and antidepressants in reducing cognitive decline and depressive symptoms in older people, in a bid to prevent the onset of depression and dementia. Read more:http://bit.ly/1js0esL

A University of Sydney study is looking into the effectiveness of omega-3 supplements and the antidepressant, sertraline, in reducing depressive symptoms and cognitive decline in older people, in a bid to prevent the onset of depression and dementia in later life.The research, …