Nutrition and Dietics popular program at Flinders University – join a webchat

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Nutrition and Dietetics popular at Flinders University in South Australia, Australia.

Nutrition and Dietetics is located within the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Flinders University. Since 1977, Flinders University has developed a proud history of providing quality education in nutrition and dietetics.

An undergraduate and postgraduate Nutrition and Dietetic program is offered at Flinders University in South Australia.

The four year Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics program prepares graduates to work as professional nutritionists and dietitians in a range of settings.  The study program includes a significant science component. In the first two years, this includes topics in the biological sciences, chemistry and human physiology.   During your final year, you will undertake 21 weeks of work placement, in clinical, community and food service settings.  The course is one of the most popular at Flinders and entry is very competitive.

The two year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics program is a 72-unit full-time coursework program which is offered by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.  The course equips graduates to meet the entry level competency standards specified by the Australian professional accrediting body, the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).

Flinders University is located in the southern region of Adelaide which is also the home of the Nutrition Division of The Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the leading government and industry-sponsored nutrition research centre in Australia.

Graduates are equipped with advanced knowledge and skill to enable them to work in a variety of challenging positions in the health sector, food business and nutrition research.

All of Flinders Nutrition and Dietetics courses are regularly reviewed and accredited by the Dietitians Association of Australia to ensures they are up-to-date and are meeting the demands of this rapidly developing field.

About nutrition and dietetics

Nutrition and dietetics involves the study of food in relation to health and disease. ‘Nutrition’ examines the role of nutrients in the metabolic and physiological processes of the body, and ‘dietetics’ involves the prevention and treatment of a variety of nutrition-related diseases.

In Australia, dietitians are nutritionists who are also qualified to provide clinical care and counselling for people with food and nutrition problems.

Dietitians use scientific principles and methods in the study of food and nutrition and apply these to influencing food intake and eating behaviours. They interpret and translate scientific knowledge related to nutrition into practical information.

Dietitians contribute to promotion of health and prevention and treatment of illness by optimising the nutrition of individuals and communities


KOM will be hosting:

EVENT: free webchat


WHEN:  Thursday 21 November 2013 @ 7pm (Ontario) 

PRESENTER:  Dr. Jacqui Miller, Master of Nutrition & Dietetics Coordinator

Learn information from Dr. Jacqui Miller from this live broadcast.  Dr. Miller will be discussing the Nutrition and Dietetics programs at Flinders University.  Have a live chat with Dr. Miller and have all your questions answered.  All in the comfort of your own location.

Dr. Miller will be discussing details of the programs, entry requirements, the university and the location.

SIMPLY REGISTER FOR THE FREE WEBINAR NOW. Login in the day and time of the event when it goes live.