KOM alumni thanks KOM for an opportunity of a lifetime

Posted in: Alumni, Canadian College Articulation Agreement, Griffith University
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Jimmy Hronis used the services of KOM Consultants last year to study in Australia at Griffith University.  He took advantage of the Canadian College Articulation Agreement with his Canadian college and Griffith University to receive advanced standing from his college diploma to a Bachelors degree. 
Jimmy would come into the KOM office and his friendliness was loved by all the staff.  We knew that Jimmy would do well on his adventure to Australia. 
Jimmy recently posted on our facebook page and we wanted to share with you what he wrote about KOM. 
“Hello KOM followers!This has been a long time coming but you guys are truly amazing! I’ve been having the best experience of my life and I owe it all to you guys and your ongoing support and help. If anyone is on the fence about coming to Australia…do it because you will not regret it! KOM will help you out with all of the steps and they would probably even pack your suitcase and drive you to the airport if they could :) If anyone has any questions about studying at Griffith University Gold Coast campus don’t hesitate to contact me, I am more than happy to help out with whatever I can and pay back a little of the debt I owe to KOM and their staff.Thanks and see you all down under!”

-Jimmy Hronis
Bachelor of Business – Management
Griffith University
Thanks Jimmy!
If you are intersted in studying abroad and articulating your Canadian college diploma to a degree with substantial advanced standing, then contact KOM Consultants for more details.