Flinders offers a Master of Nutrition & Dietetics in Adelaide

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Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Flinders University offers up to 5 international applicants the opportunity to study the two year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics course based in Adelaide, South Australia. This course includes the practicum component with options to undertake some practicum in regional and outback Australia.

Flinders University is world renowned for its educational programs and inspiring research. With our diverse international campus community, students can form networks and lasting friendships that span the globe.

Why study nutrition and dietetics at Flinders?

Reputation:Flinders University enjoys a well-justified reputation for its excellence in teaching and research. It has a long-standing commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all and a proud record of community engagement.

History: Flinders University has been delivering programs in Nutrition and Dietetics for over 35 years and is considered to be at the forefront of curriculum innovation and development. The MND is accredited with the Dietitians Association of Australia.

The course: There is a strong vocational focus with continual emphasis on the links between theory and practice. We have extensive links with the dietetic profession in South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory, many of whom you will meet in the classroom or on placements. We use a range of teaching methods and many topics rely on students working together in small groups with readings and study questions or on applied projects rather than traditional lectures.

Practicum opportunities: Placements are available in Adelaide city and surrounding suburbs and Tasmania, as well as rural and remote locations either in South Australia or the Northern Territory.

In most cases, a Bachelor’s degree in food and nutrition from a university program that has been accredited by Dietitians of Canada will meet these conditions.

Applicants must also submit a statement outlining their interest in the course and profession, and evidence of any relevant employment experience.  Applicants will be ranked for admission on the basis of a selection score which is a combination of academic merit (70%) and assessment of their statement of interest and experience (30%).

Learn more about the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics during the free webinar hosted by Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. 

Flinders University – Wednesday 25 September 2013 @ 7pm (Ontario)

Flinders University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Adelaide, South Australia, other parts of the country and overseas. We enjoy a well-justified reputation for excellence in teaching and research, have a long-standing commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all and a proud record of community engagement.

Check out this webinar to learn more about the university and it’s programs, including Health Science programs such as Flinders Medical School, Speech Pathology and Nutrition & Dietetic programs.