Corey’s Cross Canada Cycle For Sick Kids Hospital

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Corey’s Cross Canada Cycle In Aid Of Sick Kids Hospital 

Hey Everyone,

We are trying to bring awareness of an incredible young man’s attempt to cycle across Canada to raise Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 13.17.23money for the Sick Kids Childrens Hospital. 

Corey Thompson is a dear friend of mine, who has decided to try and raise money in honour of his 11 year old cousin, Maddie Constantini, who tragically passed away in 2014 of a brain tumor. As Corey said – ‘It is very tragic and makes you just want to live every moment as if it were your last’.

This cause is very close to our hearts here at KOM, and we ask those who are in the position to help sponsor Corey and his cause. Every dollar counts … even a $5 dollar donation can go a long way! Here’s the link to sponsor him

I think we can all be inspired by this man’s courageous attempt to cross Canada without any support team. Just himself, a bicycle, a tent, and a few supplies that he’s managed to strap to his bike. 

Here’s a link to his Facebook group to follow his adventures and daily posts. (it’s a great way to ge tto see our beautiful countryside too)

Please share this post with family and friends so we can all cheer Corey along the way. You can also use the hashtag #CycleForMaddie on #Twitter to create some awareness for this great cause and Sick Kids Hospital! 

Thanks so much :)
The KOM Team 
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