Canadian students study Dental School in Australia

Posted in: Adelaide Dental School, Australian Dental Schools in Australia, Canadian Visit, University of Adelaide, Webinar
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Canada offers eight English speaking dental schools.   As with other Professional Schools such as Medical Schools, Physiotherapy Schools and OT, applicants far exceed the number of spots available in Canada. 

 In 2010, Canadian students started to consider Australia as a study destination for Dental Schools.  In March 2010, the Australian Dental Association and the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada signed a reciprocal agreement.  This agreement recognises graduates of accredited dental programs in Australia and Canada for certification.

Unlike graduates of non-accredited programs, students who graduate from an accredited dental program in Australia after 2010 will not be required to do a two year qualifying program prior to applying for certification. Due to the agreement, graduates of accredited Australian programs will have the same certification processes as graduates of accredited Canadian programs.

KOM invites potential applicants the chance to meet with University of Adelaide Dental School next week. 


SIT WITH PROFESSORS RICHARD LOGAN AND JOHANN DEVRIES IN PERSON. Between Tuesday 21 May and Friday 24 May 2013 the Faculty of Dentistry will be hosting one on one informal sessions. Applications do not need to be submitted at this stage.

To take advantage of this opportunity, contact KOM for more details and to set an interview time:
1 877 318 8203

– AND –

KOM will be hosting a FREE WEBINAR with ADELAIDE DENTAL SCHOOL on Wednesday 22 May @ 7pm EDT

Learn information from Professor Richard Logan and Professor Johann deVries, School of Dentistry from this live broadcast. Have a live chat with Richard and Johann and have all your questions answered. All in the comfort of your own location.


Adelaide Dental School is currently accepting applications for the February 2014 intake so now is a great time to get more information.


Welcome to the School of Dentistry at University of Adelaide – established in 1920, the School is one of the oldest and most distinguished dental schools in the Australian university sector. It is also the only dental school in South Australia. The School’s reputation for teaching, research, contribution to the community and the quality of its graduates have been built over a 92 year history of outstanding experience and achievement by a multicultural community of dedicated staff and talented students.

Offering a range of accredited and clinically focussed programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in dentistry and oral health, our teaching staff provide a supportive and collegial learning environment focussed on ensuring positive student learning experiences and outcomes. Students experience a variety of innovative, high quality and flexible learning approaches, including small groups for collaborative learning, case studies, problem-based learning packages and clinical placements at metropolitan, rural and interstate venues.

 On-line delivery complements face-to-face experience. A Dental Simulation Clinic with state of art facilities will provide students the opportunity to participate in study abroad and other mobility programs. These are designed to broaden their educational experience and to make them world ready.