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Adelaide Law School offers $10,000aud Scholarship

Image from Adelaide Law School offers $10,000aud Scholarship

$10,000 Scholarship for Adelaide Law School

University of Adelaide Law School is offering scholarships up to $10,000aud.

Law Achievers Scholarships are available for Canadian students who are seeking entry into the Bachelor of Laws (LLB).  The scholarship provides payment for living allowances (subject to conditions).

Adelaide Law School is still accepting applications for the February 2015 intake!

Learn more…

Adelaide Law School will be hosting a free online information session: 

University of Adelaide Law School – Thursday 2 October 2014 @ 4pm (Ontario)

Hosted by Dr. …

Bond University 25th Anniversary Scholarships Re opened for Canadian students

Image from 'Bond University 25th Anniversary Scholarships Re opened for Canadian students'

Bond University 25th Anniversary Scholarships re-opened for International Applicants



Canadians who are applying to the Bond Law School or any undergraduate/postgraduate program has the opportunity to apply for this scholarship.

  • For 2014 September semester entry, applications will open on 18th February 2014 and close on 16th June 2014.
  • 12 scholarships worth up to 50% of the tuition fees for a Bachelor degree (excluding MBBS) or a Master’s coursework degree.

$10,000 scholarship for Adelaide Law School

Image from '$10,000 scholarship for Adelaide Law School'

Adelaide Law School is now offering scholarships up to $10,000aud.  These scholarships will be granted to Canadian applicants who are applying to the Bachelor of Laws, graduate entry at Adelaide Law School and who have a high gpa.

But still remember that all successful applicants into the Bachelor of  Laws, graduate entry will still receive a $5,000aud scholarship.

Adelaide Law School is still accepting applications for the February 2014 intake!

Learn more…

Adelaide Law School will be hosting a free webinar tonight: 

University of Adelaide Law School – Thursday 26 September 2013 @ 7pm (Ontario)

Hosted by Dr. …

Flinders University Business School offers Scholarship

Image from Flinders University Business School offers Scholarship

Are you an international student looking to apply to study at Flinders Business School?

Flinders Business School is looking to attract high achieving students into the following programs:

  • Master of Accounting
  • Master of Accounting (Advanced)
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Business Administration (Advanced)

Students applying for entry into the above programs may be able to qualify for an exciting new scholarship which is equivalent to a 15% reduction to their course fees. …

Griffith University offers $500aud grant to Canadian students

Image from 'Griffith University offers $500aud grant to Canadian students'

KOM Consultants is excited to announce that Griffith University has recently changed it’s scholarship program with Canadian students.

Canadian applicants are eligible for a AU$500 grant upon acceptance of their offer to study at Griffith University. 

This grant is given to Canadian KOM students regardless of the program or level they have applied for (Study Abroad, College Articulation, Bachelor, Master, etc)  starting February 2014. 

*please note there is limit of 60 of these grants so first come,

University of Sydney Scholarship available

Image from 'University of Sydney Scholarship available'


The University of Sydney takes great pleasure in announcing the Sydney Achievers International Scholarships for new international students commencing at the University in 2014.  Up to 100 of these prestigious Scholarships will be offered in 2014 to high achieving, academically meritorious, international students, inviting them to enjoy the Sydney experience. 


Under graduate Students

AUD$10,000 each per annum, available for the CRICOS registered duration of a recipient’s program of study, …

Bond University International Student Scholarship Available

Image from 'Bond University International Student Scholarship Available'

Bond University International Student Scholarship
About the Scholarship
The International Student Scholarships are a testament to Bond University’s commitment to quality and outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability (academic merit based scholarships).


  • 25% to 50% of tuition fees of any undergraduate or postgraduate degree (excluding Bond University’s Medical Program, Master of Psychology, Doctor of Physiotherapy)


  • 10 x 25% scholarships annually
  • 10 x 50% scholarships annually


  • Available for international students only,

University of Adelaide Law Achievers Scholarship Available

Image from University of Adelaide Law Achievers Scholarship Available

University of Adelaide offers a Law Achievers Scholarships for Canadian students

The Law Achievers Scholarships are available to Canadian students who are seeking entry into the Bachelor of Laws, graudate entry.

The Scholarship provides a one-off AUD 5000 payment for living allowances under the conditions described below.


The Faculty will grant up to Ten Scholarships of $5000 each to applicants commencing in the Bachelor of Laws. The Scholarships will be awarded in order of merit. …

ACU Business Scholarship extended to 2014

Image from ACU Business Scholarship extended to 2014


ACU’s Executive Dean’s Scholarship  for international students will be extended for the February and July intakes in 2014.   The scholarship is available to all international students commencing an undergraduate bachelor degree or postgraduate coursework program offered by the Faculty of Business. 

The ACU scholarship provides students with a tuition-fee waiver of AU$1,000 in their first semester.   After successfully completing all units in their first semester, ACU again provides students with a tuition-fee waiver of AU$1,000 for their next semester.  …