test blog 3

Back To School for KOM Consultants

Image from Back To School for KOM Consultants

Well, it that’s time of the year again!
 You can feel it in the air that school is back in.


Staff at KOM Consultants are always excited this time of year.  KOM Consultants will be back on the road visiting schools across the country and spreading the word of studying in Australia & the UK.

Not only will the KOM team be on the road, but KOM’s Partner Universities, …

KOM Tour visits Laurier and Waterloo tomorrow

Posted in: News
Image from KOM Tour visits Laurier and Waterloo tomorrow

Tour swings into the Tri-City, home of Blackberry TOMORROW, Thursday March 14th.

KOM and our overseas universities have a busy schedule this day visiting two universities.


Thursday March 14th
Concourse HUB (by the bookstore)
9:30am – 12:30pm

Thursday March 14th
Student Life Centre (by the foodcourt)
1pm – 3:30pm

Stop by our session for all the information you need on Law Schools, …