test blog 3

La Trobe Brings Industry To Classroom

Image from La Trobe Brings Industry To Classroom

The Professor of Practice titles seek to highlight what industry can contribute to academia and represent a largely new concept for business schools and faculties across Australia.

Head of La Trobe Business School, Professor Paul Mather, believes while many Australian business schools offer industry experts positions as casual or adjunct staff, La Trobe is the first university in Australia to formally employ them and integrate them into the day to day operations of the school. …

Unexpected Opportunities

Image from Unexpected Opportunities


What a couple months it has been! Let me tell you, I thought I was lucky to just study in Australia but turns out, I got an opportunity to study in Hong Kong as well. I studied abroad, to study abroad again. I clocked up my frequent flier miles, that’s for sure!

I prefer the cold, being Canadian and all so it was a little bit saddening to leave Brisbane during its winter…(Northern Australian winter is like Calgary spring temperatures). …

My year in Australia by Jordan Morra, KOM Alumni

Image from 'My year in Australia by Jordan Morra, KOM Alumni'

I know we have posted this blog before, but it is a great video and wanted you to see it again. 

Jordan is a Fleming college graduate who took advantage of the Canadian College Articulation with Griffith University.  He graduated from Griffith University from the Griffith Business School.

Jordan entered a contest “My Griffith Social Media Challenge” and won an Apple iPad for his efforts. 

Check out this video from Jordan, …

Griffith Business School hosts a webinar next week

Image from Griffith Business School hosts a webinar next week

Griffith Business School
is hosting a FREE WEBINAR.

Tuesday 26 March 2013 @ 8pm (Ontario time)
Griffith Business School
Host: Dr. Sandy Kuldheep

Get all the information you need to make informed decisions – learn about the SCHOOL, PROGRAMS, ENTRY REQUIREMENTS, LIFESTYLE, HOUSING, STUDENT LOANS, SCHOLARSHIPS, and more.

Watch a presentation by Dr. Sandy Kuldheep. Chat live to have all your questions answered.

How to Participate

To participate, …