test blog 3

Bond Law School Highlights for Canadian Students

Image from 'Bond Law School Highlights for Canadian Students'

Bond has strong links with Canada and has been training Canadian lawyers for over 20 years. There are currently over 150 Canadian students studying law at Bond University and an active Canadian Law Students’ Association. There is a rapidly expanding group of Bond Law Canadian alumni working as partners and senior practitioners in Canada and worldwide.

Bond has three intakes per year, January, May and September.  Students are able to apply anytime and the LSAT is not required.  …

Bond Law School Tour starts Sunday 1 December 2013

Image from 'Bond Law School Tour starts Sunday 1 December 2013'

Bond Law School Information Sessions in Canada

Come along to the nearest event to find out more about Bond’s renowned Law program from the Dean of Law, Professor Geraldine Mackenzie, International Regional Manager Stuart Floyd and Bond Alumni.  Learn more about the graduate entry Law School program, the Juris Doctor.  December information sessions will be held in the following locations:

Sunday 1 December 2013

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Thursday 5 December 2013

Contact KOM Consultants to register for one of the above days and to find out the location and more information info@komconsultants.com …

10 Reasons Why Bond University

Image from 10 Reasons Why Bond University

To highlight Bond University’s free upcoming webinar, we thought we would share 10 reasons Why you would want to study at Bond University.

The Bond University webinar is taking place on:

Date:  Tuesday 26 November 2013 @ 7pm
Hosted by:  Stuart Floyd, Bond International
Location:  in the convenience of your home or wherever you choose
Topics include:  the university, all the programs (including the famous Law School program, …

Study 12 months for free at Bond University through Future Unlimited

Image from Study 12 months for free at Bond University through Future Unlimited

As you know Bond University is dedicated to ensuring students reach their full potential.  Bond University has partnered with the Australian Government’s Future Unlimited Competition to give one lucky student the opportunity to study 12 months for free at Bond University including flights, accommodation, tuition, living allowance and much more.

Why Bond?

Bond offers an unparalleled student experience highlighted by receiving the most stars for educational experience*. At Bond students can immerse themselves in a rich student life whereby they can practice their ambition whilst they learn it. …

Canadian Law School applications close November 1st – Consider Law Abroad

Image from 'Canadian Law School applications close November 1st – Consider Law Abroad'


November 1st is the deadline for Ontario Law School Applications for the September 2014 intake.

OUAC reports that in 2013 there were 4758 applicants to Law schools in Ontario.  Out of that 4758, only 1502 got accepted into first year places.  That is a 32% chance of getting an offer.  wow….


Why not consider Australia or the UK as an option for Studying Law Abroad?  …

Bond University announces 100 new scholarships to celebrate 25th Anniversary

Image from 'Bond University announces 100 new scholarships to celebrate 25th Anniversary'

Bond University, located in Queensland, Australia, today announced that 100 new scholarships would be made available for 2014 to celebrate its 25th Anniversary.

The academic, elite sport, leadership and indigenous scholarships will be available to both Australian and international students.


The scholarships, valued at 50% of the tuition fee for a Bachelor degree (excluding Medicine) or a Master’s coursework degree, will be awarded primarily on academic merit, in November this year for the 2014 academic year (January intake). …

Canadian and Australian Law School LLB vs. Juris Doctor

Image from 'Canadian and Australian Law School LLB vs. Juris Doctor'

Law School:  LLB vs. JD

The Juris Doctor designation is common in the United States, where students must complete an undergraduate degree before attending law school. Meanwhile, the LLB designation reigned supreme in Canada and other Commonwealth countries such as Britain. The difference is that in Canada—like in the States—most students have already completed an undergrad degree before entering law school; across the pond, students can attend law school straight out of high school. 

The University of Toronto became the first law school to make the switch in 2001 because it was concerned that the LLB “understated the level of education our students had,” dean Mayo Moran noted.  …

Bond Law School visiting Canada in June

Image from 'Bond Law School visiting Canada in June'

Bond Law School has strong links with Canada and has been training Canadian lawyers for over 20 years. There are currently over 150 Canadian students studying law at Bond University and an active Canadian Law Students’ Association. There is a rapidly expanding group of Bond Law Canadian alumni working as partners and senior practitioners in Canada andworldwide.

Bond has three intakes per year, January, May and September. Students are able to apply anytime and the LSAT is not required. …