Canadian law student talks about studying at Bond Law School

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Canadian Student talks about studying at

Bond Law School

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Basil Bansal – Canada

Course: Juris Doctor

Insititution: Bond University
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland-0

I always had the intention of studying abroad and Bond University’s law program made that feasible. Studying at Bond and in Australia allowed me to finish my JD in 2 years and take Canadian Law classes for an easier transition back home.

I always had the intention of studying law. I took Political Science as my undergraduate major and enjoyed the legal aspects of Canadian Politics.

I was opened to an international network of students. I was also able to complete my Law Degree one year earlier than I would have at a Canadian University.

It has allowed me to get a better understanding of the law in several commonwealth countries. I have also gained a large network of international friends in different fields of work who I know would see me if I ever visited them in their home country.

Being far away from home can be a scary experience but you need to remember that there will be other people at University away from home too. Eventually you will be able to make a new home and a new way of life.  Studying abroad in Australia has helped me grow as a person and gain confidence in my ability to work/live independently.



Contact KOM Consultants today to start your application with Bond Law School.

Intakes available are September, January and May.  Applications are now being accepted for the September 2014 intake.

KOM Consultants is the Canadian Application Centre for Bond University.  Contact KOM Consultants for:

Bond University is well known for the Bond Law School  and the JURIS DOCTOR program.   BOND LAW has strong links with Canada with currently over 150 Canadian students studying for law degrees at Bond.