Keeping In Touch

We highly recommend that our students keep in touch with their parents, friends, and other family members. The world is not as big as it once was, and simply keeping in contact can be quite inexpensive or free. Here are some great ideas…

  1. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephone service
    • Skype, Vonage, or your local cable television provider may offer discounted rates or no long distance charges.
  2. Care Packages
    • If parents and family members want to send a care package, try to keep it as light and small as possible. Your most inexpensive means of sending a package is typically via standard mail. However, you may need to use UPS or FedEx. There may also be customs restrictions that parents may need to make themselves aware of. Whether UPS, FedEx or standard mail… All these services are willing to answer any questions you might have.
  3. Send an Email Message
  4. Send an E-Card
  5. Video Teleconferencing
    • Skype is a WONDERFUL way of keeping in touch, and it’s free software from Microsoft. If both parties have a video camera on their laptop or PC, plus an active internet connection… video teleconferencing is free. Even if you don’t have a video camera, it’s a great way of instantly contacting and communicating with your family and friends! There of course similar services, so be sure to Google around to find the one that best suites your needs.
  6. Visit your child, friend or sibling.