Why International Education?

Both parents and students find there are several advantages for choosing to pursue an international undergraduate and/or postgraduate education in Australia & the UK:

International Experience

Armed uniquely with a prestigious university degree and international experience, our students who study abroad are poised to become next generation leaders, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals.

Cultural Experience

For many, the ability to study in another country is a singular opportunity to experience a different culture, while gaining an appreciation for cultural diversity. Although Britain and Australia are both English speaking countries, they each have a unique culture that differs greatly from North America. Students cannot help but learn about the destination country’s geo-political, governmental, and fiscal differences, as well as its heritage, customs, and traditions. Studies show that students engaged in cultural experiences are less likely to drop out, and to the contrary excel in their academic studies.

Value of an International Education

Value of an international education is increasing. In 2006, an estimated 250,000 US citizens study abroad each year, and this number is set to increase dramatically over the coming years.

College Articulation

Our overseas universities work diligently with incoming students to maximize articulation of current academic credit earned. Thus, Canadian College transfer students can gain the benefit of their academic experience.

Attractive Programs & Enrollment Sizes

Many Canadian universities have more students then class space (aka impacted or over-subscribed programs); thus, making graduation difficult in four years. This problem does not exist in many of our destination universities. Moreover, in Australia and most parts of the European Union (Bologna Declaration of 1999), postsecondary education is conducted differently than here in North America. Bachelor degrees can be obtained in three years, specialized Bachelor degrees in four years, with a Masters degree in 1 to 1 “½ years. What this provides our students is the ability to move into the work force much quicker; and/or obtain BOTH an undergraduate and postgraduate degree in the same amount of time (or less) than one would spend attending a North American university.

Quality & Excellence

Universities located in the British Common Wealth (Australia, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland) are all government sponsored. All of Australia’s universities are established or recognized under State or Territory legislation, or constituted under an Act of Federal Parliament. Ranking of these colleges rival universities in the United States, such as Stanford, Michigan, Northwestern, etc.

Educational Cost

An international education is in many cases similar or even less expensive than what one would pay in Canada. This is particularly true for many Masters, PhD, and professional degreed programs. In Australia, the Federal Government has principal responsibility for public funding of the universities. However, Australian universities are increasingly seeking funds from the wider community (e.g., International Students) largely in part of the Government’s stated intention to alter the public-private funding mix for universities. Subsequently, the cost of an Australian eduction in particular is quite attractive to North American students and families.

Science and Professional Degree Paths

These international programs generally apply to law school, medical school, physiotherapy school, teachers college, accountancy, or other profession that has a central governing body or board. Virtually every overseas university already has students from North America who intend to return home to their chosen field or study for employment, or to pursue further education in their native country. Re-entry paths differ from state-to-state (or Province-to-Province), institution-to-institution, as well as differ from profession-to-profession. In most situations, KOM Consultants can provide general information and consulting services, but it is the student who bears the ultimate responsibility for their re-entry path. Subsequently, please contact us for direction on how you can best determine your individual situation.