Why Choose KOM Consultants?

Many parents and students choose KOM, because quite frankly… our services offer the best value for the dollar to the student and parent, AND no one else has been doing this longer. Celebrating over 20 years of operation, we have very well established long term relationships with our partner international universities in Australia & the UK. Our goal has NEVER been to be the biggest… but to the contrary… we are the absolute best at what we do. We are student-focused, and differentiate ourselves by providing the highest level of personal service; we have long-term knowledgeable staff who regularly visit overseas campuses; and vast experience in the educational marketplace.

Whether you are a parent sending a child overseas to study, or a young adult seeking to improve your personal situation… you can trust KOM Consultants to professionally assist you in every phase. Our efforts and energies are focused on exceeding the needs and expectations of our students. In addition to the normal logistical issues experienced with international education, we care about our students social well-being. Below is a partial list of services we offer:

  • Our VALUE ADDED Program allows students and parents to submit Applications to multiple universities with WAIVED Application Fees.  COUNSELLING SERVICES PROVIDED BY KOM ARE AT NO EXPENSE TO THE STUDENT OR PARENT! Our services are paid by the destination universities, and intended to help assist their students towards a seemless transition to higher education.
  • Transcripts centrally processed, and we work with overseas universities to articulate already earned academic credit.
  • Consult on health insurance, property insurance, and power of attorney requirements.
  • Consult on passport and international student visa requirements.
  • Consult on employment matters and restrictions (as applicable).
  • Advise on financial aid, cost of living, and miscellaneous financial matters.
  • Advise on teachers college, medical school, dental school, law school, physiotherapy school and other professional degree path re-entry strategies.
  • Consult on temporary, permanent and on and off campus accommodation.
  • Provide Information Sessions, and Pre-departure Planning seminars.
  • Host free online webinars with our international partner universities, including faculty specific webinars.
  • Advise on travel arrangements and coordination of airport reception at destination university.
  • Programs and systems in place to build social networks prior to departure.
  • Provide cultural information pertaining to the destination country.
  • Security of using an Official Canadian Educational Representative who values the Federal Privacy Act!

* Value Added Program… terms, conditions and restrictions may apply, see program details