About Us

about KOM Consultants

Experienced knowledgeable staff providing FREE guidance and support

Proudly assisting over 15,000 Canadian students.

Established in 1991, KOM Consultants is Canada’s leader in providing Free Guidance and Support to Canadian students seeking study opportunities in Australia, Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales. We take pride in our caring approach, expert knowledge, and personal attention to each student. From initial questions, to the time you reach your overseas study destination, KOM Consultants provides unparalleled support.

Our experienced counsellors have expert knowledge within their respected academic fields.  Whether you’re applying to upgrade your College Diploma to a Degree, or applying for a professional degree such as Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, or Law, you can be assured you will get accurate and up to date information.

Canadian owned and operated, KOM Consultants has a deep understanding and awareness of what Canadian applicants are looking for in international study opportunities. We are well versed with the academic structure of qualifications and professional requirements, both in Canada, and in our overseas study destinations. Located in Southern Ontario, we serve the needs of student’s across Canada providing an exceptional level of service that today’s applicants and parents have come to expect.