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Five Reasons You Should Think About a Career in Teaching

Five Reasons You Should Think About a Career in Teaching

From helping a student get to that “light bulb” moment to helping shape the lives of the next generation – teaching is a challenging but incredibly rewarding profession.

Oliver Harris, RMIT alumnus and primary school teacher.

As a teacher, you’ll face a myriad of competing demands but for every challenge you face, there’s an equal or greater reward.

As you enter a profession that has the ability to impact the lives of others, you also take part in a career that is full of meaning.

1. You get to shape the lives of young people (and the next generation)

Teachers get to inspire and educate young people. One day your students may become Nobel and Fields prize winners, top business people, leaders, prime ministers and great artists or well-rounded individuals with a love for learning.

Each day you get to work with inquisitive young minds, eager to learn and share their ideas with you. Teachers become influential in students’ lives, inspiring and motivating them to achieve their potential.

By pursuing a career in education, you benefit society as a whole. The impression you make on the individual in the classroom continues onto the next generation. This is a career where you have the opportunity to make a lasting difference to young students’ lives.

2. You get a passport with globally transferable and recognised skills

Australian teachers are in high demand around the world and their teaching programs are recognised internationally.

The skills you learn in a teaching degree go beyond the classroom- teachers are excellent communicators, collaborators, problem solvers and organisers

They have empathy and are good at building relationships with team members and managing stakeholders.

These attributes are in high demand within all industries and can help you stand out both personally and professionally.

3. There is strong demand for new teachers

Due to Australia’s aging population, a significant proportion of the current teacher workforces are due to retire. The increase in retirement rates and population growth make the demand for new teachers strong.

4. You learn to value both tradition and innovation

As a teacher you are entering a long-standing profession that values tradition and innovation. Teachers are experts in using their own knowledge and the knowledge of their peers to inspire.

Teachers have the privilege of designing differentiated lessons for diverse student cohorts, creating meaningful assessments and creating inclusive learning opportunities for special needs and gifted students.

They also manage data, research emerging trends, stay on top of current best practices and promote student’s wellbeing.

5. You have the chance to be part of a challenging and rewarding profession

Watching young people learn and grow is amazing; there is no greater reward than witnessing a student’s ‘light bulb’ moment.

Your classroom, lessons and the atmosphere you provide in the classroom help guide the learning of young people as they advance and achieve their potential.

Beyond the individual, teachers help shape the future of the globe by participating in groundbreaking projects with students and providing feedback into the curriculum.

As an RMIT teaching graduate, you will understand how all these elements work in the classroom and set yourself up to be a leader in education.

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